Source code for h3.utils.downloader

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import os.path
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
# import signal

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from http.client import HTTPResponse
# from threading import Event
from import tqdm

from typing import Iterable, Generator

from h3 import logger
from h3.utils.directories import get_download_dir, get_data_dir


# done_event = Event()
# def handle_signals(signum, handle):
# 	done_event.set()
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_signals)

def _credential_helper(base_url: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
	"""Getting credentials from a file, and generating them if it does not exist"""

	credential_path = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "credentials.json")
	cred = {}

	if os.path.exists(credential_path):
		with open(credential_path, "r") as f:
			cred = json.load(f)

	if base_url not in cred:
		print(f"Credential for {base_url}")
		username = str(input("Username: "))
		password = str(input("Password: "))
		cred[base_url] = {"username": username, "password": password}
		with open(credential_path, "w") as f:
			json.dump(cred, f)
		username = cred[base_url]["username"]
		password = cred[base_url]["password"]

	return username, password

def _get_response_size(resp: HTTPResponse) -> None | int:
	Get the size of the file to download
		return int(["Content-length"])
	except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError):
		return None

def _get_chunks(resp: HTTPResponse) -> Generator[bytes, None]:
	Generator of the chunks to download
	while True:
		chunk =
		if not chunk:
		yield chunk

def _get_response(url: str) -> HTTPResponse:
		response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
	except urllib.error.HTTPError:
		import base64
		from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
		cj = CookieJar()
		opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
		request = urllib.request.Request(url)

		user, password = _credential_helper(base_url=os.path.dirname(url))

		base64string = base64.b64encode((user + ":" + password).encode("ascii"))
		request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic {}".format(base64string.decode("ascii")))
		response =
	except urllib.error.URLError:
		# work around to be able to dl the 10m coastline without issue
		import ssl
		ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
		req = urllib.request.Request(url)
			'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
		response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
	return response

[docs]def url_download(url: str, path: str, task: int = 1, total: int = 1) -> None: """ Download an url to a local file See Also -------- downloader : Downloads multiple url in parallel. """"Downloading: '{url}' to {path}") response = _get_response(url) chunks = _get_chunks(response) pbar = tqdm( desc=f"[{task}/{total}] Requesting {os.path.basename(url)}", unit="B", total=_get_response_size(response), unit_scale=True, # format to have current/total size with the full unit, e.g. 60kB/6MB # bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}{unit}/{total_fmt}{unit}" " [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]" ) with pbar as t: with open(path, "wb") as file: for chunk in chunks: file.write(chunk) t.update(len(chunk)) # if done_event.is_set(): # return logger.debug(f"Downloaded in {path}")
[docs]def downloader(urls: Iterable[str], target_dir: str = get_download_dir()): """ Downloader to download multiple files. """ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as pool: target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir) for task, url in enumerate(urls, start=1): filename = url.split("/")[-1] target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, filename) pool.submit(url_download, url, target_path, task, total=len(urls))
# future update: # using rich # inside a 'context' box: # top pbar is for the url in urls # inside, individual pbar for all the downloads # see nala package on ubuntu
[docs]def main(): url = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] response = _get_response(url[0]) print(response) target_dist = get_download_dir() downloader(url, target_dist)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()