from h3.utils.directories import get_data_dir, get_metadata_pickle_dir
import pandas as pd
import os
from typing import List, Union
from pathlib import Path
from functools import reduce
from h3.constants import DMG_CLASSES_DICT
[docs]def check_files_in_list_exist(file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path]]):
"""State which files don't exist and remove from list"""
files_found = []
for fl in file_list:
# attempt conversion to Path object if necessary
if type(fl) != Path:
fl = Path(fl)
except TypeError:
print(f'{fl} could not be converted to Path object')
if fl.is_file():
files_found += fl,
print(f'{fl} not found. Removing from list.')
return files_found
[docs]def read_and_merge_pkls(
pkl_paths: Union[List[str], List[Path]]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Read in pkl files from list of file paths and merge on index"""
# check all files exist
pkl_paths_present = check_files_in_list_exist(pkl_paths)
df_list = [pd.read_pickle(pkl) for pkl in pkl_paths_present]
return reduce(lambda df1,df2: pd.merge(df1,df2,left_index=True,right_index=True), df_list)
[docs]def drop_cols_containing_lists(
df: pd.DataFrame
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""It seemed like the best solution at the time: and to be fair,
I can't really think of better...
N.B. for speed, only looks at values in first row – if there is a
multi-type column, this would be the least of
our worries...
return df
[docs]def rename_and_drop_duplicated_cols(
df: pd.DataFrame
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Drop columns which are copies of others and rename the 'asdf_x'
headers which would have resulted"""
# need to ensure no bad types first
df = drop_cols_containing_lists(df)
# remove duplicated columns
dropped_df = df.T.drop_duplicates().T
# rename columns for clarity (especially those which are shared between dfs). Will be able to remove most with better
# column naming further up the process
new_col_names = {col: col.replace('_x', '') for col in dropped_df.columns if col.endswith('_x')}
return dropped_df.rename(columns=new_col_names)
[docs]def data_loader(data_dir: str, ECMWF):
"""Loads NOAA weather, terrain and soil EFS from the pickle file,
merges them and drops the duplicates.
data_dir : str
Path to the datasets, input either the google drive path or the local
Merged dataframe from all the pickled dataframes with EFs of interest.
# data_dir = get_data_dir()
# ecmwf weather EFs
df_ecmwf_xbd_pkl_path = os.path.join(data_dir,
# NOAA weather EFs
df_noaa_xbd_pkl_path = os.path.join(data_dir,
# terrain efs
df_terrain_efs_path = os.path.join(data_dir,
# flood, storm surge and soil properties
df_topographic_efs_path = os.path.join(data_dir,
# distance to track, interpolated to different resolutions (ADD LATER)
df_distance_to_track = os.path.join(data_dir,
# based on feature importance
if ECMWF == "ECMWF":
all_pkl_paths = [df_ecmwf_xbd_pkl_path, df_noaa_xbd_pkl_path,
all_pkl_paths = [df_noaa_xbd_pkl_path, df_terrain_efs_path,
all_EF_df = read_and_merge_pkls(all_pkl_paths)
all_df_no_dups = rename_and_drop_duplicated_cols(all_EF_df)
# drop r_max_wind as it is a column full of NaNs
all_df_no_dups = all_df_no_dups.drop(columns=["r_max_wind"])
map_dictionary = {v:k for k, v in DMG_CLASSES_DICT.items()}
all_df_no_dups["damage_categorical"] = all_df_no_dups["damage_class"].replace(map_dictionary)
return all_df_no_dups
[docs]def main(data_dir, ECMWF=False):
"""Randomly samples the merged dataframe ]
data_dir : str
Path to directory of all the pickle EF data file.
EFs dataframe, balanced with value count of the destroyed damage class.
# output_dir = get_metadata_pickle_dir()
output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "processed_data/metadata_pickle")
bperf_EF_df_no_dups = data_loader(data_dir, ECMWF)
n_sampled_dfs = []
for damage_type in bperf_EF_df_no_dups.damage_class.unique():
filtered_damage_df = bperf_EF_df_no_dups[bperf_EF_df_no_dups["damage_class"] == (damage_type)]
value_counts = bperf_EF_df_no_dups.damage_class.value_counts().rename_axis('damage_class').reset_index(name='value_count')
# damage class 3 is destroyed and is the baseline
class3_value_count = int(value_counts[(value_counts['damage_class'] == 3)]["value_count"])
if len(filtered_damage_df) >= class3_value_count:
random_n_df = filtered_damage_df.sample(n=class3_value_count)
random_n_df = filtered_damage_df
balanced_df = pd.concat(n_sampled_dfs)
if ECMWF == "ECMWF":
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir,
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir,
return balanced_df
if __name__ == '__main__':
data_dir = get_data_dir()