Source code for h3.dataprocessing.extract_metadata

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import fnmatch
import json

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from shapely import wkt
from tqdm import tqdm

from typing import Literal
from h3.constants import DMG_CLASSES_DICT
from h3.utils.directories import get_metadata_pickle_dir, get_xbd_hlabel_dir, \

# extract pre-event hurricane imagery
[docs]def filter_files(files: list, filepath: str, search_criteria: str) -> list: """Filter all json label files and returns a list of post-event files for hurricanes. Parameters ---------- files : list list of json files in the label directory filepath: str path to file, assisting in search criteria process search_criteria : str filter out hurricanes, post-event imagery in json format. i.e. input `hurricane*pre*json`, supports glob wildcard `*` Returns ------- list: list of filtered files for corresponding criteria. """ list_of_files = [] search_path = os.path.join(filepath, search_criteria) for f in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, search_path): list_of_files.append(f) return list_of_files
[docs]def extract_point(building): """Extract coordinate information from polygon and convert to a centroid point. Parameters ---------- building : object polygon information in shapely coordinates. Returns ------- object centroid point of polygon. """ building_polygon = building["wkt"] building_coordinates = wkt.loads(building_polygon).centroid.wkt return building_coordinates
[docs]def extract_polygon(building): """Extract polygon coordinate reference system information. Parameters ---------- building : object polygon shapely coordinates. Returns ------- object polygon with spatial coordinate information. """ building_polygon = building["wkt"] return building_polygon
[docs]def extract_metadata(json_link: str, CLASSES_DICT: dict, crs: str, event_type: str): """ Extracts location in xy and long-lat format, gives damage name, class and date. Parameters ---------- json_link : path path to json file containing location and metadata. classes_dict : dict dictionary mapping between damage classes (str) and damage numbers (int). crs : str coordinate reference system to put as geometry in geodataframe. event_type : str post or pre event json files to filter out. Returns ------- Geodataframe contains polygons of json file, corresponding metadata. """ # json_file = open(json_link) # json_data = json.load(json_file) with open(json_link, 'r') as j: json_data = json.loads( meta_data = json_data["metadata"] disaster_type = meta_data["disaster"] image_name = meta_data["img_name"] capture_date = meta_data["capture_date"] # for plotting on maps and finding environmental factors, use lng lat coordinates_lnlat = json_data["features"]["lng_lat"] # for coordination with imagery, use xy coordinates coordinates_xy = json_data["features"]["xy"] damage_location = [] for (building_lnglat, building_xy) in zip(coordinates_lnlat, coordinates_xy): lnglat_point = extract_point(building_lnglat) lnglat_polygon = extract_polygon(building_lnglat) xy_point = extract_point(building_xy) xy_polygon = extract_polygon(building_xy) # arbitrary if taking from xy or long lat features if event_type == "pre": damage_num = np.NaN else: damage_class = building_lnglat["properties"]["subtype"] damage_num = CLASSES_DICT[damage_class] damage_location.append([ lnglat_point, lnglat_polygon, xy_point, xy_polygon, damage_num, disaster_type, image_name, capture_date, json_link]) if crs == "xy": df = gpd.GeoDataFrame( damage_location, columns=["point_lnglat", "polygon_lnglat", "point_xy", "geometry", "damage_class", "disaster_name", "image_name", "capture_date", "json_link"]) else: df = gpd.GeoDataFrame( damage_location, columns=["geometry", "polygon_lnglat", "point_xy", "polygon_xy", "damage_class", "disaster_name", "image_name", "capture_date", "json_link"]) df["capture_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["capture_date"]) df["geometry"] = df["geometry"].apply(wkt.loads) return df
[docs]def extract_damage_allfiles_separate(filepaths_dict: dict, crs: str, event: Literal["pre", "post"]): """ Filters all label files for hurricanes, extracts the metadata, concatenates all files for post and pre images separately. Parameters ---------- directory_files : dict .json files in xBD data folder to filter organised by their folder. These files are a value for the holdout, tier1, tier3 and test folder as a key. crs : str coordinate reference system to put as geometry in geodataframe. event : str post or pre event json files to filter out. Returns ------- geodataframe two geodataframes with a summary of metadata for all hurricane events with labels. """ if event == "pre": search_criterium = "hurricane*pre*.json" if event == "post": search_criterium = "hurricane*post*.json" dataframes_list = [] for directory in filepaths_dict: filepath_list = (filepaths_dict[directory]) full_hurr_json_files = filter_files(filepath_list, directory, search_criterium) if len(full_hurr_json_files) > 0: for file in tqdm(full_hurr_json_files, desc=f"Extracting metadata for {event}" "hurricane"): loc_and_damage_df = extract_metadata(file, DMG_CLASSES_DICT, crs, event) dataframes_list.append(loc_and_damage_df) rdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(dataframes_list, ignore_index=True)) return rdf
# check if polygons from pre and post overlap
[docs]def overlapping_polygons(geoms, p): """Checks if polygons from pre- and post-event imagery overlap. If they do, the damage class from post-event dataframe can be allocated to the pre-event polygon. Parameters ---------- geoms : series post-event geodataframe geometry column containing the polygon p : object pre-event polygon extracted from geodataframe Returns ------- series column in post-event dataframe containing which row number the post-event polygon matches with in the pre-event dataframe. """ overlap = (geoms.intersection(p).area / p.area) > 0.7 return pd.Series(overlap.index[overlap])
[docs]def extract_damage_allfiles_ensemble( filepaths_dict: dict, crs: str, ): """ Filters all pre and post label files for hurricanes, extracts the metadata from the post and pre json files. Takes damage information from post and adds that to the pre-event metadata dataframe. Parameters ---------- filepaths_dict : dict .json files in xBD data folder to filter organised by their folder. These files are a value for the holdout, tier1, tier3 and test folder as a key. crs : str coordinate reference system to put as geometry in geodataframe. Returns ------- geodataframe geodataframes with a summary of metadata for all pre-event hurricane events with post-event labels. """ full_pre_dataframes_list = [] for directory in filepaths_dict: full_pre_hurr_json_files = filter_files(filepaths_dict[directory], directory, "hurricane*pre*.json") # pre_dataframes_list = [] for pre_json_name in tqdm(full_pre_hurr_json_files, desc=f"Extracting metadata for pre event and post damage label hurricane"): post_json_name = pre_json_name.replace("pre", "post") pre_metadata = extract_metadata( pre_json_name, DMG_CLASSES_DICT, crs, "pre") post_metadata = extract_metadata( post_json_name, DMG_CLASSES_DICT, crs, "post") # which row matches with which? # post_metadata["match_num"] = pre_metadata.geometry.apply( # lambda x: overlapping_polygons(post_metadata, x)) post_metadata["match_num"] = post_metadata.index merge_post_metadata = post_metadata[["damage_class", "match_num"]] pre_metadata["match_num"] = pre_metadata.index pre_metadata = pre_metadata.drop("damage_class", axis=1) # Assume order of polygons in pre and post json data is same # otherwise, use the overlapping_polygons function which indicates # polygonsare overlapping and are therefore pre and post pairs polygons_pre = pre_metadata.merge(merge_post_metadata, on="match_num") polygons_pre = polygons_pre.drop(["match_num"], axis=1) full_pre_dataframes_list.append(polygons_pre) pre_rdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(full_pre_dataframes_list, ignore_index=True)) return pre_rdf
[docs]def load_and_save_df(filepaths_dict: dict, output_dir: str, reload_pickle: bool = False): """ Loads the json label files for all hurricanes in the "hold" section of the xBD data, extracts the points and polygons in both xy coordinates, referring to the corresponding imagery file, and the longitude and latitude. Parameters ---------- filepaths_dict : dict pathnames in a dictionary for the holdout, tier1, tier3 and test folder. output_dir : str reload_pickle : bool, optional If True recreate the pickle files as if they did not exist. The default is False. Returns ------- Geodataframe all metadata and locations in a geodataframe that is saved in the data/datasets/EFs directory. Choose to return the gdf with long-lat coordinate system and pre polygons with post damage as this is most useful for choosing the EFs. """ # update filepaths_dictionary for filepath in filepaths_dict: directory_files = [os.path.join(filepath, file) for file in os.listdir(filepath)] filepaths_dict[filepath] = directory_files path_save_post = os.path.join(output_dir, "pre_polygon.pkl") if not os.path.exists(path_save_post) or reload_pickle: df_points_post_hurr = extract_damage_allfiles_separate( filepaths_dict=filepaths_dict, crs="xy", event="pre" ) df_points_post_hurr.to_pickle(path_save_post) else: df_points_post_hurr = pd.read_pickle(path_save_post) # TODO: validate this path_save_pre = os.path.join(output_dir, "xy_pre_pol_post_damage.pkl") if not os.path.exists(path_save_pre) or reload_pickle: df_pre_post_hurr_xy = extract_damage_allfiles_ensemble( filepaths_dict=filepaths_dict, crs="xy" ) df_pre_post_hurr_xy.to_pickle(path_save_pre) else: df_pre_post_hurr_xy = pd.read_pickle(path_save_pre) path_save_pre_longlat = os.path.join(output_dir, "lnglat_pre_pol_post_damage.pkl") if not os.path.exists(path_save_pre_longlat) or reload_pickle: df_pre_post_hurr_ll = extract_damage_allfiles_ensemble( filepaths_dict=filepaths_dict, crs="lng_lat" ) df_pre_post_hurr_ll.to_pickle(path_save_pre_longlat) else: df_pre_post_hurr_ll = pd.read_pickle(path_save_pre_longlat) return df_pre_post_hurr_xy, df_pre_post_hurr_ll
[docs]def main(): xbd_dir = get_xbd_dir() #xbd_dir = "/Users/Lisanne/Documents/AI4ER/hurricane-harm-herald/data/test_geotiffs" output_dir = get_metadata_pickle_dir() #output_dir = "/Users/Lisanne/Documents/AI4ER/hurricane-harm-herald/data/test_output" # hold_filepath = get_xbd_hlabel_dir() hold_filepath = os.path.join(xbd_dir, "geotiffs/hold/labels") tier1_filepath = os.path.join(xbd_dir, "geotiffs/tier1/labels") tier3_filepath = os.path.join(xbd_dir, "geotiffs/tier3/labels") test_filepath = os.path.join(xbd_dir, "geotiffs/test/labels") # filepath = os.path.join(xbd_dir, labels_path, "") filepaths_dict = dict.fromkeys([hold_filepath, tier1_filepath, tier3_filepath, test_filepath]) df_pre_post_hurr_xy, df_pre_post_hurr_ll = load_and_save_df(filepaths_dict, output_dir) return df_pre_post_hurr_xy, df_pre_post_hurr_ll
if __name__ == "__main__": main()