Source code for h3.dataprocessing.crop_images

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import os
import rasterio as rio
import cv2
import scipy.ndimage
from os.path import exists

from h3.utils.directories import get_xbd_dir
from h3.utils.directories import get_data_dir
from h3.dataprocessing.extract_metadata import extract_damage_allfiles_ensemble

    "no-damage": 0,
    "minor-damage": 1,
    "major-damage": 2,
    "destroyed": 3,
    "un-classified": 4

[docs]def extract_coords(row): return np.array(row).astype(np.int32)
[docs]def polygon_mask(img, polygon, im_size: int): """Fills up a polygon to create a mask of the building. Parameters ---------- img : dataset object pre-event image file aligning with the building polygon. polygon : object polygon containing the outline of the building. im_size : int Value of the sides of the squared input image. Returns ------- numpy array filled mask of the building. """ img = image_size = (im_size, im_size) empty_mask = np.zeros(image_size, np.uint8) poly_coords = [extract_coords(polygon.exterior.coords)] image_mask = cv2.fillPoly(empty_mask, poly_coords, 1) return image_mask
[docs]def mask_to_bb(Y): """Takes a filled building mask and converts it into a rectangular bounding box. Parameters ---------- Y : numpy array The filled polgyon mask from the polygon_mask function. Returns ------- numpy array Array of the rectangular bounding box as a mask. """ nx, ny = np.nonzero(Y) # check if polygon is empty if len(nx) == 0 or len(ny) == 0: return np.zeros(4, dtype=np.float32) top_y = np.min(ny) bottom_y = np.max(ny) left_x = np.min(nx) right_x = np.max(nx) return np.array([left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y], dtype=np.int64)
[docs]def crop_images(img, polygon_df, zoom_level: int, pixel_num: int, im_size: int, output_path: str): """Crops imagery based on the building polygon and the desired pixel size. It can zoom in to certain levels, whilst maintaining the pixel size by bilinear interpolation. The building will be centered in the image and all buildings that are cut off by the image boundary are not included. Parameters ---------- img : dataset object The pre-event imagery that underlays the building polygon. This image will be cropped. polygon_df : object The building polygon that needs to be cropped around. zoom_level : int A number that dictates how large the crop_size should be, based on required pixel number for the model. pixel_num : int Value of the sides of the squared cropped image as input for the model. im_size : int Value of the sides of the squared input image. output_path : str Path used to save the zoomed cropped images. Returns ------- int Returns whether this building polygon is red flagged and should be ignored, based on whether the building polygon lies on the edge of the image. """ crop_size = int(pixel_num//zoom_level) polygon_grid = polygon_mask(img, polygon_df, im_size) bounding_box = mask_to_bb(polygon_grid) # extract bounding box information x1 = int(bounding_box[1]) x2 = int(bounding_box[3]) y1 = int(bounding_box[0]) y2 = int(bounding_box[2]) x_min = 0 x_max = img.width - crop_size y_min = 0 y_max = img.width - crop_size # UNHASH if cropped houses should be exluded # find out if house is on the edge and potentially cut off # we will not be using incomplete houses. Allow for some margin # as polygons will not always exactly lie on the edge # check for first zoom level and then break loop for that image # margin = 1 # red_flag = 0 # if (zoom_level == 1 and (x1-margin) <= x_min or (x2+margin) >= img.width # or (y1-margin) <= y_min or (y2+margin) >= img.width): # red_flag = 1 # return red_flag # also return if house is larger than the box # if (y2-y1) > crop_size or (x2-x1) > crop_size: # find centre point of the bounding box x_offset = (x2+x1)//2 y_offset = (y2+y1)//2 # Find out dimensions of image cropping around offset size_limit = crop_size//2 # find out whether the whole environment around house can be imaged # if not, fill up with zeroes around it if (y_offset + size_limit > y_max or y_offset - size_limit < y_min or x_offset + size_limit > x_max or x_offset - size_limit < x_min): image_array = # padding around image, add dimensions around offset to all sides pad = ((0, 0), (size_limit, size_limit), (size_limit, size_limit)) padded = np.pad(image_array, pad_width=pad) # transform the offset to include zero padding on all sides padded_x_offset = x_offset + size_limit padded_y_offset = y_offset + size_limit roi = padded[ :, (padded_y_offset-size_limit):(padded_y_offset+size_limit), (padded_x_offset-size_limit):(padded_x_offset+size_limit)] else: image_array = roi = image_array[:, (y_offset-size_limit):(y_offset+size_limit), (x_offset-size_limit):(x_offset+size_limit)] # We want all images to be a certain pixel size, so we need to resample # to get zoom levels with same pixel size scaling_factor = pixel_num/crop_size # order 1 = nearest, order 2= bilinear, order 3 = cubic interpolation resized_img = scipy.ndimage.zoom(roi, (1, scaling_factor, scaling_factor), order=1) # preserve image metadata img_bands = img.meta["count"] img_crs = img.meta["crs"] img_metadata = img.meta img_metadata.update({ "driver": "png", "height": pixel_num, "width": pixel_num, "count": img_bands, "crs": img_crs, "dtype": "uint8"}) with, "w", **img_metadata) as src: # Read the data from the window and write it to the output raster src.write(resized_img)
[docs]def image_processing(zoom_levels: list, pixel_num: int): """Loads images and crops them based on the required zoom levels and the required imagery input pixel size for the model. Parameters ---------- zoom_levels : list list containing all required zoom levels as integers. pixel_num : int Value of the sides of the squared cropped image as input for the model. """ xbd_dir = get_xbd_dir() data_dir = get_data_dir() labels_path = "geotiffs/hold/labels/" filepath = os.path.join(xbd_dir, labels_path, "") # where to save zoomed and cropped images save_dir_path = "datasets/processed_data/processed_xbd/geotiffs_zoom/" \ "hold/images" zoomdir_dict = {} for zoom_num in zoom_levels: zoom_dir = "zoom_" + str(zoom_num) zoom_path = os.path.join(data_dir, save_dir_path, zoom_dir) zoomdir_dict[zoom_num] = zoom_path if not os.path.exists(zoom_path): os.makedirs(zoom_path) # Load pre polygon with post damage assessment path_pre = os.path.join(data_dir, "datasets/processed_data/metadata_pickle", "xy_pre_pol_post_damage.pkl") if exists(path_pre) is True: polygons_df = pd.read_pickle(path_pre) else: fulldirectory_files = [os.path.join(filepath, file) for file in os.listdir(filepath)] polygons_df = extract_damage_allfiles_ensemble(fulldirectory_files, filepath, "xy") for building_num in range(len(polygons_df)): building_geometry = (polygons_df.iloc[building_num]["geometry"]) # find image name img_name = (polygons_df.iloc[building_num]["image_name"]) tif_name = img_name.replace("png", "tif") image_path = os.path.join(filepath, tif_name).replace("labels", "images") # load building image with as img: image_size = 1024 for zoom_level in zoom_levels: zoom_dir = zoomdir_dict[zoom_level] img_num = str(building_num) + ".png" # output_path = os.path.join( # zoom_dir, # (img_name.strip(".png")+"_zoom" + str(zoom_level) + # "_" + img_num)) output_path = os.path.join(zoom_dir, img_num) crop_images(img, building_geometry, zoom_level, pixel_num, image_size, output_path)
# if house is on the edge, ignore it for all zoom_levels # if zoom1_redflag == 1: # break
[docs]def main(): zoom_levels = [1, 2, 4, 0.5] pixel_num = 224 image_processing(zoom_levels, pixel_num)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()