from __future__ import annotations
import pandas as pd
import geopy
import shapely
from h3 import utils
[docs]def standardise_df(
df: pd.DataFrame,
date_cols: list[str] = None,
new_point_col_name: str = 'geometry'
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Apply various formatting functions to make any df behave as you'd expect.
df : pd.DataFrame
any pandas df
date_cols : list[str], optional
list of column names containing date values. Default is None.
reformatted pd.DataFrame object
# makeall headers lower case
df.columns = df.columns.str.lower()
# remove any whitespace from headers
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')
# if any columns with dates provided
if date_cols:
df[date_cols] = df[date_cols].apply(pd.to_datetime)
if 'geometry' in df.columns:
# if geometry column not containing shapely Point objects
if not type(df.geometry.iloc[0]) == shapely.geometry.point.Point:
df.geometry = df.geometry.apply(
lambda x: utils.geometry_ops.convert_point_string_to_point(x))
# generate lat-lon columns from any Point objects
df = generate_lat_lon_from_points_cols(df, ['geometry'])
if set(['lat', 'lon']).issubset(df.columns):
# make geometry column of shapely Point objects
df = points_from_df_lat_lon_cols(df, point_col_name=new_point_col_name)
# common variation
elif set(['lat', 'long']).issubset(df.columns):
df.rename(columns={'long': 'lon'}, inplace=True)
df = points_from_df_lat_lon_cols(df, point_col_name=new_point_col_name)
return df
[docs]def points_from_df_lat_lon_cols(
df: pd.DataFrame,
point_col_name: str = 'geometry'
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""TODO: docstring"""
df[point_col_name] = df.apply(lambda row: shapely.geometry.point.Point(
row['lon'], row['lat']), axis=1)
return df
[docs]def exclude_df_rows_symmetrically_around_value(
df: pd.DataFrame,
col_names: list[str],
poi: list[float] | list[pd.Timestamp],
buffer_val: list[float] | list[tuple[float, str]]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Return a pd.DataFrame which excludes rows outside a range of +/- 1 buffer.
Buffer can be floats objects, or can specify a period of time. Handy e.g.
for excluding stations for which there is no weather data within the period
of interest.
df : pd.DataFrame
pd.DataFrame containing values to potentially exclude
col_names : list[str]
list of strings specifying the names of the columns of interest
poi : [ list[float], list[pd.Timestamp] ]
points of interest (value about which any exclusion will be centred).
One value for each relevant column.
buffer : [ list[float], list[tuple[float,str]] ]
distance from poi to be excluded. In the case that poi is a Timestamp
object, a string specifying the unit of time is necessary e.g. 'h' for
hours (either as a tuple or list). See for
more info. One value for each relevant column.
pd.DataFrame excluding values outside of provided ranges
# check lists same lengths
utils.simple_functions.checklistLengthsEqual([col_names, poi, buffer_val])
for i, col in enumerate(col_names):
if type(poi[i]) == pd.Timestamp:
# specify the buffer as a Timestamp object (separating time and unit)
buffer = pd.Timedelta(buffer_val[i][0], buffer_val[i][1])
buffer = buffer_val[i]
# restrict to only observations within the range
df = df[df[col].between(poi[i]-buffer, poi[i]+buffer)]
return df
[docs]def exclude_df_rows_by_range(
df: pd.DataFrame,
col_names: list[str],
value_bounds: list[tuple[float]] | list[float],
buffer: list[float] | list[tuple[float, str]] = 0
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Return pd.DataFrame composed of only rows containing only values in
columns listed in col_names within the range of value_bounds +/- optional
buffer amount. Handy for restricting large dataframes based on date ranges
(must specify bounds as pd.Timestamp objects), or lat/lon ranges.
df : pd.DataFrame
df to limit
col_names : list[str]
e.g. ['col1', ..., 'colN']
list of column names to be restricted by their relevant...
value_bounds : list[ [tuple[float], list[float]] ]
e.g. [ (start_val1,end_val1), ..., (start_valN,end_valN) ]
list of tuples (or lists) specifying minimum and maximum values to allow
buffer : [ list[float], list[tuple[float,str]] ] = 0
add buffer on either side of value_bounds. Defaults to no buffer. Useful
for specifying weather station observations must exist some time before
and after the event of interest
restricted pd.DataFrame object (sub-set of original df)
# check lists same lengths
utils.simple_functions.checklistLengthsEqual([col_names, value_bounds])
for i, col in enumerate(col_names):
if type(value_bounds[i][0]) == pd.Timestamp:
# specify the buffer as a Timestamp object (separating time and unit)
buffer = pd.Timedelta(buffer[0], buffer[1])
df = df[df[col].between(
min(value_bounds[i])-buffer, max(value_bounds[i])+buffer)]
return df
[docs]def concat_df_cols(
df: pd.DataFrame,
concatted_col_name: str,
cols_to_concat: list[str],
delimiter: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Concatenate columns in a pd.DataFrame into a new column of strings linked
by 'delimiter'.capitalize()
df : pd.DataFrame
df containing columns to concatenate
concatted_col_name : str
name of new concatenated column
cols_to_concat : list[str]
names of columns to concatenate (in desired order)
delimiter : str, optional
character to insert in between column values. Defaults to empty string
with additional concatted column
df[concatted_col_name] = df[cols_to_concat].astype(str).apply(
delimiter.join, axis=1)
return df
[docs]def generate_lat_lon_from_points_cols(
df: pd.DataFrame,
points_cols: list[str]
) -> None:
"""Generate a column(s) of lat and lon from column(s) of shapely.Point
objects. Column(s) added to current df being processed
df: pd.DataFrame
pd.DataFrame containing column(s) of shapely.Point objects
points_cols: list[str]
names of columns to convert to lat/lon. Chosen not to find the columns as
default (by dtype) since might only want to convert one.
containing new lat and lon columns
for i, col in enumerate(points_cols):
if len(points_cols) == 1:
lon_col_name = 'lon'
lat_col_name = 'lat'
lon_col_name = f'lon{i+1}'
lat_col_name = f'lat{i+1}'
df[lon_col_name] = df[col].apply(lambda p: p.x)
df[lat_col_name] = df[col].apply(lambda p: p.y)
[docs]def calc_distance_between_df_cols(
df: pd.DataFrame,
cols_compare: list[tuple[str]] | list[list[str]],
new_col_name: str = "distance",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Calculate the geodesic distance between sets of lat/lon values.
See for more info.
df: pd.DataFrame
df containing two pairs of lat/lon values
cols_compare: list[[tuple[str]] or list[list[str]]
list of columns of lat/lon values. Inputted as pairs as a tuple or list
new_col_name: str, optional
The default is 'distance'.
copy of df with an extra 'distance' column
if not len(cols_compare) == 2:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot compare more or fewer than two sets of lat/lon values at a time')
df[new_col_name] = df.apply(
lambda x: geopy.distance.geodesic(
(x[cols_compare[0][0]], x[cols_compare[0][1]]),
(x[cols_compare[1][0]], x[cols_compare[1][1]])).km, axis=1)
return df
[docs]def find_index_closest_point_in_col(
poi: shapely.Point,
points_df: pd.DataFrame,
points_df_geom_col: str,
which_closest: int = 0
) -> int:
"""Find the df index of the closest point object to poi in the df object.
poi : shapely.Point
point of interest (shapely.Point object)
points_df : pd.DataFrame
dataframe containing a column of shapely.Point objects
points_df_geom_col : str
name of column of shapely.Point objects
which_closest : int = 1
if 1 (default), find closest. For any other N, find the Nth closest
int object relating to index of points_df df
distances = points_df[points_df_geom_col].apply(lambda x: poi.distance(x))
s = sorted(set(distances))
return distances[distances == s[which_closest]].index[0]
[docs]def calculate_first_last_dates_from_df(
df: pd.DataFrame,
time_buffer: tuple[float, str] = [0, 'h'],
date_col_name: list[str] = None
) -> tuple[pd.Timestamp]:
"""Calculate the first and last dates from a df, with a time buffer before
and after.
df : pd.DataFrame
should contain at least one datetime column. If multiple datetime
columns, column to be used should be specified. Will default to first
occurence of such a column
time_buffer : tuple[float,str] defaults to [0,'h'] (no buffer)
extra time to remove from first occurence and add to last occurence.
A string specifying the unit of time is necessary e.g. 'h' for
hours (either as a tuple or list). See for
more info.
date_col_name : list[str] defaults to None
name of column containing datetime objects to be processed
detailing start and end time/date
N.B. currently discarding any timezone information
# if no date_column_name provided
if not date_col_name:
# try to find first occurence of a coolumn containing dates
date_col = df.columns[df.apply(
except TypeError():
print('No column containing datetime64 objects found')
# check if column provided contains datetime objects
if pd.api.types.is_datetime64_any_dtype(df[date_col_name]):
date_col = df[date_col_name]
raise ValueError(
'Column provided as date_col_name does not contain datetime objects')
# if date column type has a timezone detailed
if pd.api.types.is_datetime64tz_dtype(df[date_col]):
# convert the 'dates' column to naive timestamps
df[date_col] = df[date_col].dt.tz_localize(None)
# generate time buffer
delta = pd.Timedelta(time_buffer[0], time_buffer[1])
# find minimum and maximum date values
start = df[date_col].min() - delta
end = df[date_col].max() + delta
return start, end
[docs]def calc_means_df_cols(
df: pd.DataFrame,
col_names: list[str]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Return mean values of prescribed columns in df
df : pd.DataFrame
col_names : list[str]
list of columns to calculate mean
list[float] of mean value of each column
means = []
for col in col_names:
return means
[docs]def limit_df_spatial_range(
df: pd.DataFrame,
centre_coords: list[float] | tuple[float],
min_number: int = None,
distance_buffer: float = None,
verbose: bool = False
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Restrict df to within +/- a lat-lon distance, or to a min_number number
of rows.
df : pd.DataFrame
df containing 'lat' and 'lon' columns
centre_coords : list[float] or tuple[float]
geographical centre about which to restrict df
min_number : int = None
minimum number of rows in df to be returned
distance_buffer : float = None
distance from geographical centre within which points in df should be
verbose : bool = False (don't show message re expansion of distance_buffer)
choose whether or not to show that distance_buffer was expanded
spatially limited df
if not set(['lat', 'lon']).issubset(df.columns):
raise ValueError('Columns by name of lat and lon not found in df')
# if choosing to find closest N points at any distance away
if distance_buffer is None:
# set arbitrarily small distance buffer
distance_buffer = 1
df_spatial_lim = exclude_df_rows_symmetrically_around_value(
df, ['lat', 'lon'], centre_coords,
[distance_buffer, distance_buffer])
# expand distance buffer until minimum number reached
while len(df_spatial_lim) <= min_number:
distance_buffer += 1
df_spatial_lim = exclude_df_rows_symmetrically_around_value(
df, ['lat', 'lon'], centre_coords,
[distance_buffer, distance_buffer])
if verbose is True:
print(f'Spatial search expanded to +/- {distance_buffer} degrees')
# if choosing to find closest stations only up to a certain distance
df_spatial_lim = exclude_df_rows_symmetrically_around_value(
df, ['lat', 'lon'], centre_coords,
[distance_buffer, distance_buffer])
return df_spatial_lim
[docs]def station_availability(
df_stations: pd.DataFrame,
df_noaa_weather_event: pd.DataFrame,
time_buffer: list[float, str] = [0, 'h'],
available: bool = True
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Filter dataframe by time to return only stations with observation present.
Defaults to available
start, end = calculate_first_last_dates_from_df(
df_noaa_weather_event, time_buffer)
if available:
# return available stations
df_station_time_lim = df_stations[
((df_stations['begin'] <= start) & (df_stations['end'] >= end))]
# limit stations df to those operational within +/- 1 time_buffer
# either side of event
df_station_time_lim = df_stations[
~((df_stations['begin'] <= start) & (df_stations['end'] >= end))]
return df_station_time_lim